Performance Evaluation on Virtualization Technologies for NFV Deployment in 5G Networks


Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is regarded as a pivotal pillar to grasp the particularized 5G goals by shifting network intelligence from the cloud to the edge. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) emerged as a paradigm intending to replace traditional vendor-specific network appliances with software instances of the network functions capable of running on standard devices. Recently, deploying softwarized network functions at the network edge has gained an unprecedented attention. Multiple virtualization technologies can be utilized to deploy virtualized network functions including Virtual Machines (VMs), containers, and unikernels. However, each virtualization platform has specific advantages and disadvantages, which makes worthy studying their real performance. This is specially important when it comes to implement network functions at the edge of 5G networks, where resources are scarce and quick response to user requests is needed. In this regard, this paper studies the performance of virtualization technologies by deploying two services namely Apache and Redis and provides an extensive experimental campaign and conclusive results.

Proc. of IEEE Netsoft. Paris, France